The seeds of some rare, extremely rare and dominant natural plants of desert and desert are propagated in a field with a dedicated irrigation system, and the goal is to establish a unified warehouse with more than 50 species of seeds. In this way, it is important to increase the genetic resources for cultivation of natural plants, to be the first experience to bring them into economic circulation, and to protect the gene pool of plants and pass them on to the next generation.
- Allium mongolicum /Монгол сонгино, хөмөл/,
- Brachanthemum gobicum /Говийн Тост/,
- Calligonum mongolicum /Монгол азар/,
- Chloris virgata /Саваан булган сүүл/,
- Cleistogenes songorica /Зүүнгарын Хазаар өвс/,
- Glycyrrhiza uralensis /Урал чихэр өвс/,
- Haloxylon ammodendron /Давссаг заг/,
- Iris Bunge /Бунгийн цахилдаг/,
- Lycium ruthenicum /Орос махирс/,
- Nitraria sibirica /Сибирь хармаг/,
- Rheum nanum /Намхан гишүүнэ, Бажууна/,
- Sophora alopecuroides /Үнэг сүүлхэй лидэр/,
- Sympegma Regelii /Регелийн шар модлог/,
- Tribulus terrestris /Зэлэн зангуу/,
- Achnatherum splendens /Гялгар дэрс/,
- Agriophyllum pungens /Шивүүрт цульхир/,
- Anabasis brevifolia /Ахар навчит баглуур/,
- Asterothamnus centrali-asiaticus /Төв Азийн лавай/,
- Astragalus melilotoides /Хошоон хунчир/,
- Caragana brachypoda /Хойрог харгана/,
- Eurotia ceratiodes /Орог тэсэг/,
- Eleagnus moocroftii /Муркрофтийн жигд/,
- Ephedra sinica /Нангиад зээргэнэ/,
- Oxytropis aciphylla /Өргөст ортууз/,
- Potaninia mongolica /Хулан хойрго/,
- Reaumuria soongorica /Улаан бударгана/,
- Rheum nanum /Намхан гишүүнэ, Бажууна/,
- Salsola passerina /Бор бударгана/,
- Zygophyllum potaninii /Потанинийн хотир/,